Lionheart Elixir

from $22.00
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Ingredients: Costa Rican ceremonial cacao, violet, rose, vanilla, raw honey, and 70% vodka.

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Ingredients: Costa Rican ceremonial cacao, violet, rose, vanilla, raw honey, and 70% vodka.

Ingredients: Costa Rican ceremonial cacao, violet, rose, vanilla, raw honey, and 70% vodka.

As I've been reclaiming my own Leonine energy (having my Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Chiron all in Leo) I have found myself drawn to plants that are known to support our inner fire, passion, unique gifts we're here to share, and our big, bold, beautiful hearts. Cacao, Motherwort, Tulsi, and Hawthorn as individual medicines have all consistently supported my journey over the few years… Cacao- the heart opener, Motherwort and Tulsi both strengthening the heart and leading us back to our power through heart-led surrender, and Hawthorn- a beautiful grief support medicine. For those seeking support around the physical and energetic heart space and for those that have the desire to embody an open heart, a deeper heart-led strength, and more grace and gentleness with themselves and others this elixir could be a great ally for you.

Recommended dosage: 15-30 drops (1/2 to full dropper) up to three times a day (Cacao does contain some amounts of caffeine and can affect all of us differently, so it's important to honor Her medicine and be intentional when taking.)